


Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that has deep roots in Chinese culture. A needle is used to puncture or "activate" vital points in the human body. These points are referred to as "acupoints" and each point has a function that can affect areas of body associated with it. The practitioner of acupuncture knows how to put these points together to help the person achieve balance in their body, mind, and spirit.

Electro - Acupuncture


Electro-Acupuncture uses a Tens unit called an E-stim to send a small amount of electricity through the needle. This technique is extremely effective for muscle pain, nerve pain, and many other types of Musculo-skeletal conditions. It is safe, effective and relatively painless. 

Herbal Medicine


The use of Chinese Herbal Medicine is an internal approach to addressing disease. Herbal formulas focus on optimizing function and communication between bodily systems to promote health.  Herbal Medicine is based on the emphasis of classical and modern approaches to the treatment of internal diseases. Each patient receives a detailed intake and a customary formula in regards to their constitution. This allows the practitioner to better address disease, aliments, and illness with individual herbal formulas from an internal aspect as well as external with acupuncture.



Moxibustion also known as “Moxa” is the burning of an herb, mugwort, directly/ indirectly on acu-points. Moxa is used to gently warm the body, promote movement of blood and qi to emulate healing. 

Tui Na


Tui Na is the oldest form of massage known.  It is an ancient practice from China that uses yin yang theory and the meridian theory of Chinese Medicine.  The practitioner of Tui Na sees the human body as a specific network of energy or “qi”.  All pain is considered stagnant qi defined as - when movement of energy is not flowing properly.  By using very specific techniques, the stagnant energy is released, and balance may be brought to the body.   The patient will be fully clothed during Tui Na.  Loose fitting comfortable clothing should be worn.



Cupping therapy uses plastic or glass cups that are applied to the skin with suction to relax the layer of connective tissue between the skin and the muscle.  Fire cupping, fire is used to displace the oxygen in the cup to create a vacuum. Pneumatic cupping, an air pump is used.

Cupping is great for pain relief and can quickly relieve pain/stagnation that builds up in the body. Cupping may leave a mark similar to a bruise that will typically resolve within 1-3 days or in rare cases 1-2 weeks. 

Gua Sha


Gua Sha is a method that uses a tool to scrape along the skin to relieve pain in the body. A mark or bruise similar to that of cupping will form to indicate where the stagnation has occurred. Gua Sha is great for pain management, as well as helping with the common cold, and allergy relief.

Additional Services

Tai Chi & Qi Gong


Tai Chi and Qi Gong are forms of moving meditation with ancient roots. John is a lifelong student and teacher of Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan and specializes in the 37 posture forms. He is also certified to teach 12 meridian style Qi Gong, the 8 brocades, and Emei Qi Gong. Tai Chi and Qi Gong are both very effective for self-healing balance and well-being

Yoga & Meditation


Yoga and meditation are forms of moving meditation with ancient roots to East Asian Medicine. Ashley is a lifelong student of many styles of yoga. She prefers to teach a more therapeutic style called Yin yoga.  A restorative style where poses are held with ease and support for a period of time. This helps the yin aspects of the body to regain qi and unblock stagnation that has built up within the channels of the body. Ashley uses her knowledge of Acupuncture and Channel theory to help support her students in recovery from their active Yang style life. This style is great for all levels of people, active to not as experienced, as well as those recovering from surgery.  Examples are but not limited to runners, bikers, weight training, as well as chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, pre- and post-natal mothers.  Her motto for this class is “less is more”.

Nutritional Therapy


A large part of holistic healing involves using food as medicine. Nutritional therapy involves assessing day to day meals, eating habits and assisting patients in how to choose the proper foods beneficial to their constitution and their goals of wellness.